Breakthrough to Promotion

Get Unstuck│Unleash Your Power│Unlock Your Next Promotion

Welcome to Breakthrough to Promotion

A 3-Month Group Coaching Program Exclusively for Female Professionals

  • Do you feel stuck in your current role, unsure how you can break through to the next level?

  • Do you struggle to articulate your unique value to your company and overcome the barriers holding you back?

  • Have you watched others with less talent or tenure get promoted and wondered what they know – that you don't?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you're in the right place!

Earn the promotion you desire, and the pay increase you deserve!

Breaking the Glass Ceiling

Let's Address the Gender Disparity in Leadership


Women at the Senior VP Level

Only 6%

Women of Color

Source: McKinsey┃Women in the Workplace 2022[1] 

Don't let your leadership potential go untapped any longer, Breakthrough to Promotion!

Here's What You Can Expect

Month 1

Get Unstuck

Identify and Overcome the Saboteurs

Learn how you may be unconsciously self-sabotaging your career. Identify which of the common saboteurs are holding you back. Shift your mindset and develop healthier patterns of behavior that support your success.

Month 2

Unleash Your Power

Communicate with Impact and Lead Authentically

Discover how to communicate your unique value proposition with confidence and impact and achieve the desired outcome. Lead authentically and demonstrate your abilities to all levels right up to the C-suite.

Month 3

Unlock Your Promotion

Develop Your Promotion Game-Plan

From executive presence to thought leadership and connections, understand what it takes to get promoted in today's competitive job market. With a clear plan in place, you'll be ready to take your career to the next level.

Stay motivated and accountable as you work toward achieving your career goals.


Supportive community of like-minded women, all working toward a common goal - career advancement.


75-minute group sessions. You'll receive a total of 6 transformative coaching sessions.


Assessments to help you understand your strengths and maximize your opportunities for growth.

Meet Coach Lisa

“We all have an area of greatness where our strengths, passions, and purpose converge. When we lead from that extraordinary place, we are our most powerful, authentic selves.”

Lisa Baker

Your expert guide, Lisa L. Baker, is an ICF-certified coach and former corporate executive with 30 years of Fortune 500 leadership experience. Lisa is an empathetic coach and champion for women, especially women of color, in the workplace. 

Previously, Lisa was the highest-ranked Black female in a top-rated fintech company with over 16,000 employees.

She knows what it takes to get to the top – and is aware of the pitfalls – so she is uniquely qualified to help you break through any real or perceived barriers to reach those coveted promotions into senior leadership and thrive once you get there.

Through Lisa’s signature G.R.O.W. Coaching methodology, you’ll embark on a 3-month transformative journey that helps you discover your potential, leverage your strengths, and unlock your career advancement.

Let Lisa help you soar past limitations and break through barriers to achieve your goals.

Unlock Your Promotion and Accelerate Your Career Growth

Mid-week Career Development Sessions

Join us for a Welcome Call on Wednesday, June 14 at 12:30 PM EST,

Continue your journey to success every other week from June 21 - August 31, 2023.

Invest in yourself and take the next step toward the promotion you desire.

Don’t miss this opportunity to accelerate your career growth.

Ready to take your career to the next level?

Space is limited to 10 women who are serious about changing their career trajectory now.

ONLY $1,497

or 2 Payments of $848.50

Here's What Our Clients Have to Say

This was the year I decided to take my dreams off pause. I reached out to Lisa because I wanted to grow, and I knew I needed to put myself first.

I would recommend this program to anyone looking to level up their career. It definitely leveled up mine.

– Latonya N.

“Lisa is an empathetic and genuine coach. She nurtured my self-confidence and gave me techniques to improve my self-awareness.

I identified both strengths I may not have been aware of and opportunities I should work on.

In three months, my colleagues started seeing differences and in month four I was promoted to Director! I took my seat at the table. Lisa Baker’s coaching and support helped me get there.”

– Claudia H.

I was in a place in my career that I had never experienced. The situation was causing me professional and personal complications that were not healthy.

Lisa is highly skilled at getting to the root of problems and providing extremely helpful coaching to give non-biased suggestions on how to communicate better, even when the situation is challenging.

I have been a people leader for over 30 years, and because of Lisa, I am an even better leader today.

– Lori S.

Experience the Power of Coaching with Breakthrough to Promotion


The investment you make in yourself will pay dividends long after the program ends!

Source: International Coach Federation survey of 100 executives

  • Elevate Your Leadership Potential: Women who receive coaching report significant improvement in self-awareness, self-leadership, and leadership style.

  • Strengthen Your Relationships: When women receive coaching, it helps them to effectively navigate power dynamics, and manage conflicts at work and in their personal lives.

  • Fast-Track Your Career: 62% of coaching clients report improved career opportunities. Coaching is the secret weapon for accelerating your professional growth.

Want to experience the powerful benefits for yourself?

Don't Let Anything Hold You Back!

Join the Breakthrough to Promotion 3-Month Coaching Program

Starting with a Welcome Call on Wednesday, June 14 at 12:30 PM EST, you’ll have an opportunity to meet the women who will be on the journey with you.

Then, every other week from June 21 - August 31, 2023, participate in group coaching sessions that will accelerate your career growth.

Only 10 spots are available so, sign up now to reserve your seat and get started on your career breakthrough!

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Breakthrough Coaching 2024

© Ascentim